Saturday, 29 January 2022

My choices, always my choices... Part 2

"We need to talk. Can I come around?" 

I felt ill. All the time. Common sense would suggest it was the first trimester making me feel like hurling every morning, but I tended to think it was my sense of dread, of doom impending, and the stress of the decision that was yet to be made. It was late in the trimester, and I was running out of time to take control. Waiting too long would be an eventual child in my arms, with inaction not necessarily meaning I wanted it. I was in limbo land. And I was alone. 

Yet not at all. My mum and sister were amazing, sitting with me, crying with me, listening to me talk through all my options, and sitting nearby whilst my distress would have me raging.

I just remember the endless moments where I would be shocked into remembering 'the situation'. Each time, slapped by the state of my body, betraying me by welcoming a foreign host without my permission. The injustice, always the injustice, terrorised me. How I had been lumped with a situation I had to deal with in MY BODY, whilst he was happily ignorant to any of this going on. 

Oh god, I needed to tell him. Vomit again. 

Without much fuss, I arranged to come to his place again, and this time I sat on his bed. Not in his bed, but on it. Just sat that next to him in the most uncomfortable and awkward silence for a time that might have been comical in any other situation. We weren't really big talkers, and we weren't in a relationship. So at that moment, if I was not there for a hook up, it was pretty confusing at to why I had needed to swing by. 

Eventually i broke the silence with words I'm sure no 19yr old would like to head from a recent sexual partner. "I'm pregnant". 

He looked at me, and held it together relatively well, considering the hot mess I was in when I found out several weeks ago. I suppose it's not relative. It wasn't his body. Not really his choice. Yet, it was his child. Do we call it a child at this point? It was all quite acceptable until he smacked with his offensive question of "'s mine?". OH MY EFFING GOD! YES! 

I clearly must have pulled off the appearance of being totally cool and liberated if he thought I'd be having sex here there and everywhere. But at that moment, when I've just confessed that he put a baby in me, and now I'm stuck in a 'situation', the absolute last thing I need to hear is 'Is it mine!?" 

I can only imagine the absolute venom I shot him. Asshole. (But I do see now it's a fair and maybe complimentary, if not stupid and insensitive question). 

What I wanted in that moment was compassion. Partnership (not for life, but together In that moment) Support. Comfort. Questions. Care. Buy in. Understanding. Help! We weren’t in a relationship, but we had been friends and on again/off again make out buddies for the last several years. We weren’t strangers at all. So it wasn’t altogether strange for me to expect care at the very least.  

Instead, I sat there for another eternity whilst we both just stared at the wall, together in this mess, yet I was more alone than ever. Moments stretched into long minutes. Of nothing. No comfort. No concern. No 'how are you feeling?'. Just minutes of empty inadequacies that gave my pain all the ammunition to start directing my hurt towards the ultimate scape goat. Him. 

I had had weeks to begin to accept the status quo. It was possibly unfair of me to expect anything of him at all, he too was in shock. But i expected at least a little more than what I got. 

Eventually I got sick of tolerating my unmet expectations, so I gathered my broken and newly maternal body and stood up. As I walked out of his room, I turned around and paused, barely holding up the doorway with my teetering resolve and said "what would you do? If you were me? What do you want me to do?" 

And I will never forget the next moment for as long as I lived. It is chiseled into my heart as one of the hardest things I've heard. But it felt as though it was easy for him to say.

"I don't want you to have it." 

I blinked.Selfish dick! Just like that, with no more than 30mins had he locked into a side of the fence When I, after weeks of agonising, was still painfully straddling. The pain in my heart loved its new target. I hated him so much in that moment. I put all of my heart ache and trauma and injustice and I sent all of my rage towards him. He had not even considered this for two seconds (not true, it had been many awkward and very quite minutes) and here he was making statements like that. Absolutely ass. 

There was no recovery for us. Not when he reached out to ask if I'd made a decision and added that he would be involved as a parent if I chose to keep it. Not when he offered to pay for the procedure. Not even when he asked me if I wanted him to come. I was so full of resentment for his unaffected ability to just not even be present in this that I pushed him further away. 

A regret to this day actually. I did him and me a massive disservice. One of my life’s big regrets. Even Still. I had perpetuated the exact scenario I was raging about. He WAS able to walk away easily and be almost unaffected by it all…because I just let him. I didn't give him access to me so he could see the damage we had created. I didn't let him an opportunity to even take a breath of my consuming grief. I stonewalled him at every step. In fact, I gave him PERMISSION to just step out of it, like he wasn't welcome in this shit of a situation we both created. And as a result of MY choices there, we had really different experiences of what was for me one of the hardest and most heart wrenching times in my life. 

Harshly, I denied him every opportunity to be supportive once he tried. And as a result, we still have really different experiences when we see each other. Massive difference.

I was so broken in his bedroom that night. And it wasn't until 18 years after this moment that I could see that those 7 words sealed the deal for me, and gave me the safety net to make a choice i didn't want to make, and send so much of the blame his way. His (fair and reasonable) lack of enthusiasm for a child he didn't plan, or want, was all I needed to blame him. He was my ultimate scapegoat. 

Because, in absolute honesty, I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to live with myself if I chose an abortion. But also in truth, and here it is folks, an abortion is what I wanted… what I needed. I didn't want to be a single mother. I didn't want to face that reality of parenting alone. I wanted to partner, and live, and decide when to try for a family, not have this life forced upon me. That truth was explosive, and self-centred, and everything it needed to be, and I couldn't acknowledge that for a really long time. 

Sometimes, not often, I feel for him. I showed up, I wanted him, I took him, and then I came back pregnant. He didn't ask for that either. I never asked him how he was, never checked in on him. Didn’t have the strength to. He has tried to check in on me over the years, and I've shared some of my story with him over time, and he understands that our experiences are vastly different. It took me so much longer to arrive at an acceptance that we'd made the best choice at the time, and he, annoyingly and sadly, seemed to know that in an instant. 

That’s the difference, right? Between men and women. He knew his direction and desires for life, unapologetically. He didn’t know there was another way to be. Because he had, his whole life, been told by society that he was important, the most important.   

And I felt the weight of stress, expectations, and social pressure because whilst I knew my direction and desires, unlike him I didn’t feel comfortable to claim them for myself and put myself first, because innately I didn’t think I deserved them. Because I had been told, my whole life, that I was made to nurture children and be selfless and sacrifice so much for the greater good. My needs weren’t on the table at all.   

I should have been central to my decision making all along. Do I want this? Is this is alignment with my life and my goals? Would I prefer it later? I felt unworthy in my own life to make decision that focused on me. He didn’t feel unworthy, and nor should he have. He had his chance to say his piece so he did. And I resented him for it. I resented the world for it. 

I am so thankful I had a progressive mother, who understood all of this and empowered me to see what I wanted in life and choose that. Who understood how difficult a decision it was for me and who supported me unconditionally either way  

Occasionally over the years, we have attended the same functions and sometimes he has made an effort to say hi. I've generally not been able to engage. Because it STILL hurts me to see him. It breaks me all over again. He’s like a painful magnet. Drawing my attention and  Every time, flooding me anew with the pain that seeks to destroy. Of a baby who wasn't wanted. Of a decision that nearly destroyed me. Of a guilt that has taken a good two decades to shake. STILL. It ruins me and saddens me, and angers me afresh. God, I hated him for so long...

But actually, it wasn't him I was hating. 

Note to reader: I check my privilege at the door here on many levels. My ability to fall pregnant. My family who accepted me and would support me in any direction I chose. A professional heath care provider who undertook the procedure safely and hygienically. My family's financial situation that allowed us to access a professional abortion. His offers of support that I denied. My husband who knew this story in full before we even started dating, who accepts my life and loves me completely and unconditionally. I know there are so many things here that worked in my favour to make this the easiest road I could have travelled and I am grateful for that.  

Ciao for now, 

LG - Life's Grim (some days)

P.S Telling this story takes the wind out of my sails. It's important to me that it is told, and important that people in similar situations understand they are not alone. But bloody hell, it's been a tough one to write. 

P.P.S I'm not done. Part 3 will follow when I am ready. It is even harder.

P.P.P.S I hope you read this one day. I hope you can empathise with me as I do with you. I hope you find understanding in my words and an apology in my heart. I’m sorry. For it all. 

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

My choices, always my choices ... Part 1

Was that liberation worth it?

It was summer 2001/02. I had just graduated from year 12 and was living my best life...which looked like living at home and trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do with ALL that ambition and, all of those mediocre HSC scores. I should have paid more attention in school. But academia was not where I intended to focus, no sir! I was headed for the stage. Or the screen. Or WAAPA. Or somewhere. I just needed a little more time to ponder the best place to start. (Hint from future Lauren, just start somewhere...anywhere!). 

It was an advertisement in a local newspaper (a give away that this story is from the 'olden days' where people enjoyed an actual printed newspaper) that finally caught my eye. An audition for an Entertainment Team at a Club Med type resort on the south coast. Singing, dancing, entertaining guests, kids club, etc. And they would actually pay you! YES! I nervously decided I'd give it a shot and gave it my best. I'll cut this part short and let you know that I was selected as one of the team of 10 amazing young (read horny and hormonal) talents, which was incredible and had me move out of home for the first time and right into a dorm scenario with a bunch of teens/young adults who were a whole bunch wilder than I! One of whom was my best friend Ali, this is where we met! 

It was there that I started to explore the world a little more confidently, as a young woman, starting to test my confidence and understand that I could make my own rules in life. I was surrounded by other young women, who were teaching me some incredible lessons in how life could look if only I was bold and brave enough to make it happen. That I could initiate fun and games, and that I didn't really need to just sit back and wait for life to happen to me. 

It's sex. Just want to be clear...I'm talking about sex. You with me? 

So at the end of my 8 weeks working on the Entertainment Team over the summer holidays, I negotiated to stay a little while longer and accepted a contract to work until Easter time in a smaller group and I took a weekend of leave to collect a few more things from home. When some of the girls asked me if I'd be catching up with anyone special whilst back home, I shook my head, but an idea sprung to mind. 

Perhaps whilst I was at home, I could catch up (read hook up) with an on again/off again guy I had in my back pocket. He was between girlfriends and I was an adult. I had flown the coop and lived an amazing life (grand total of 8 weeks out of home) and was ready to take the bull by the horns and initiate a little lovin' on the side. So I, ever so casually, got in touch with my old mate and arranged to catch up with him when I came back to town. 

So we did. It. We did it. It is sex. We did sex. And I was SO incredibly liberated! I just went right out there and took what I wanted from the world, and why should all the boys have all the fun, and why can't girls just do that, right?! Right. It was brilliant! The liberation. The sex was good but the liberation was intoxicating. 

Don't get me wrong. It wasn't my first time, and he wasn't my first partner. But it was the first time and the only time with him. The guy. You may know him from yesterday's blog, aforementioned as 'my Trauma'. But today, we'll need to refer to him as my booty call. Because that's what it was. This was before tinder. Before dating apps. We barely had mobile phones. But we did have sex. Once. And then I went home. And then I went back to the coast. 

It wasn't an agonising wait for my period or anything of the sort. In fact, I forgot all about it and got back into work and then kind of just found myself in a prolonged stage (several weeks) of vaguely expecting my period any day now... before one day, suddenly and shockingly, I woke up and felt nauseous. Out of the blue, just like that, needed to vomit.

And just like that, I saw it for what it was. 

I quickly, frantically counted back the days, the weeks, the months since i had my last period. SHIT! I asked Ali to cover for me as I drove to the nearest town to buy a pregnancy test from the chemist. And then she anxiously waited outside the door whilst I took that test into the bathroom. I peed on that stick, and then sat there in prolonged, frozen, serious silence for a good 15 minutes or so before I came out, saying only that I needed to go home, grabbed my handbag and nothing more, and I left. I left my job. My best friend. My belongings. My life.

That was the last time I saw Ali for more than 12 months. 

I drove back up the Clyde at an unsafe speed, trying desperately to breathe through sobbing terror, unable to see clearly through my windscreen, or my eyes. I didn't drive to preserve my life, instead I drove recklessly to test the reality of my situation, willing an easier out to arrive instead of what I knew was ahead of me. But that didn't happen. I couldn't escape this moment.

I arrived home to an empty house, and I let myself in. Back into what my life looked like before I found out I was growing life in my belly. Back into a life that wasn't mine anymore, of innocence, of simplicity, of clear paths. This was what my life looked like before i liberated my sexuality that one time. Before I had sex with him that ONE TIME. 

Just breathe. 

I could not believe the injustice of this moment. That for ONCE I chose to be bold, and seek out what I wanted (it's sex, still talking about sex) in a complete casual and unattached way, THIS was the outcome. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? 

Over the next few weeks, I was forced to work through my options. I knew my head was screaming a clear message to me and my heart was saying something entirely different. 

My head knew that i had about 3 weeks to save myself from being a young, single mother, forever yoked to a guy I had no intention to keep around through shared child arrangements. That this moment would define me and it would be life altering regardless of which way I chose. That I could handle anything that was thrown my way, including this, but that in all truth, I didn't want to. I wanted to choose the path that was all about me and what I wanted in life. 

But my heart was already, automatically, and appalling, falling in love with my child that already existed.  My heart was dreaming of baby girls, of the endless and overwhelming love i had to give. Of the miracle that is each and every life, and the possibilities that could unveil themselves over the years. Agreed, this was not what i wanted or had planned for, but wasn't this an incredible gift that should be respected and appreciated? 

All of the thoughts were valid. All of the options could have been successful. It was an impossible choice because I would either be turning to motherhood alone and earlier than anticipated and struggle through life uneducated, trying to make ends meet, OR I would be able to forge my own path in life, with the burden of knowing I had made a self-centred, selfish and perhaps murderous decision instead. 

That's right. That was my thought process at the time. The amount of times I considered the word murderer during that period of time was exhausting. And damaging. I resented the fact that I had to make the decision at all. I hated it so much, that one night of fun I had created had turned into such a life altering, absolutely defining moment for me. 

And it occurred to me that I wasn't to be the only one impacted takes two to tango (sex, it's sex). 

It was time to tell him what was going on...

NOTE: Life didn't look the same, socially, 20 years ago. Nowadays, there is so much more understanding about a woman's right to make choices that impact her body, her life and her career with her best interests at heart. 

But back then, those messages weren't loud or clear. There was no facebook stories about strong and courageous women who chose abortions because that was right for that at that time. On the flip side, there were protestors at abortion clinics, holding picket signs and yelling abuse at women already hurting themselves. It was an incredibly scary time to be in the situation. 

There is so much more to say here but I'm spent for now. Find me in the thick of it in Part 2, once I can muster the energy to write it.

Ciao for now, 
LG - Life's Going (to be okay)

When Trauma arrives, and he takes his jacket off...

When you can't shake your past, no matter how many different ways you try...

Some carry their baggage life a baby Bjorn, out the front for all to see, a figurative blocker and huggable item to be conscious of at all times. Some carry their baggage as a backpack, hidden behind them, putting pressure on their spine at all times. Some leave their baggage at home, or bury it and try and forget it altogether. I carry mine around like a snow boarding bag, it's got wheels so it drags easily around with me, and only gets heavy occasionally when my arms feel more tired than normal. Most of the time, it's comes along nicely with me, never forgotten but not weighing me down. But sometimes, just occasionally, it feels like I am trying to lift the world with jelly arms. On those days, it is too heavy for even me to carry. And I've been working out. 

On the night in question, I was ready. Ready for anything! I had a buzz of anticipation, for it had been the first time in a long time that I had been to a social event, let alone seen many of my friends, and I was R.E.A.D.Y, ready. Ready for a big night, whatever that looked like. My hair was a crazy fun mess of curls and makeup was on point, I felt a million bucks as I madly found the right outfit for the night - a casual but dressy enough jeans and a pop of bright red in my top. 

As I circled the room, catching up with long lost friends and laughing as I saw my kids slipping in and out of the crowd to roam between the food table and the kids table, I would be naive to suggest I hadn't relaxed into a specific kind of comfort. The kind of comfort that existed when the room was mine to enjoy... because he hadn't shown up. Or maybe he wasn't invited. Either way, the night was mine. 

The night also had a different feel to it, as I was not the parent in charge tonight, I was the parent drinking. And thanks to my friends, the wines came thick and fast. My husband gave me a smiling gentle caution 'take it easy, princess, no need to go hard' and he was right. I paced myself for fun. 

It was mid-conversation with an old friend when my gut plummeted as my periphery caught a glimpse of a familiar build, a familiar movement, and noticed that familiar feeling of being observed again. Out of the blue, it was there and it changed everything. My body reacted like I was being confronted by an enemy. My sense of carefree joy and confidence shrivelled into a tense stand off with a long lost and ever present adversary. I knew it. He knew it. My husband knew a bit of it. And some friends knew some things. But really, only I knew it Trauma just walked into the room and took his jacket off.  

It isn't until moments like this that I realise he is trauma for me. It isn't until I can't breathe properly, and my body stiffens and needs to be reminded to move, and I feel hyper alert and I endlessly know where he is standing and who he is speaking with and if he is near or far from me. I cannot have fun, although i pretend to. My husband walks past and gives me his comfort in a single look, and all I can do in return I nod in the direction of my Trauma, indicating to my chosen man that 'the other' is in the room and its causing me discomfort. 

But it's still early, so I drink wine. Glass after glass, it soothes me, then bolsters me into a brave force of demure nature so much so, that for the first time in 20 years, I decide to stop dancing the same dance. In my head, I'm thinking that if I can doing the same things the same way, the same result will occur. So instead of the same, I take the bull by the horns and decide to address the situation like the mature, successful, confident adult I am. And so, for the first time in 20 years, I take 10 steps from my husband's side towards my Trauma and I stop at his side and I nudge him a little with my arm to announce my arrival. A mistake. It's already too informal and familiar. 

"Hi" I say. 

The moment I look up at his face, I realise it's a big mistake. One big fat fucking mistake! For he is looking at me, thrilled I've approached, as though he's been waiting for me to do so for 20 years (which is fair after literally 2 decades of me pretending he doesn't exist at this social events) and i'm here, cluelessly drunk, standing beside him, facing the world together and with my back towards my husband, who I can only imagine is thinking holy hell, this will be interesting and is bound to cause trouble. 

"Hi!" he says. 

And then there's an incredibly awkward silence I hadn't planned as he smiled at me, and I reviewed the familiar yet unbelievably unknown face with all the indifference I could muster. It struck me clear as day in really quick succession, I neither recognised his voice, nor knew the cadence with which he spoke. He was a stranger. Not a person I knew. When he spoke, his age made him sound entirely different than he had as a 19 year old. 

Yet, we did know each other. A long time ago, we knew each other even better. 

We knew each other every morning in roll call class for 5 years of high school. We knew each other from sitting in cars together. We knew each other from practical jokes. We knew each other from asshole behaviour. We knew each other from rescues from dead parties. We knew each other from birthday cards. We knew each other from first kisses. We knew each other from parties. We knew each other from phone calls to landlines, and pop ins at each others houses.

And last but above all, we knew each other from an unplanned teen pregnancy, and impossible navigations involved in trying to work through all of that at young but only just.

And since then, we've known each other only through my avoidance of him. Steering clear, protecting myself, breathing through my memories each and every time I saw him at shared events...for the past 20 years. Ruined for days afterwards, dragging my legs through thick conversations, memories, our choices and all the grief that followed. 

And tonight, propped up on wine and with my makeup absolutely on point, I thought I could resolve it all so we (I) could move on with my life like an adult and not be quite so broken.

I looked up, boldly and confidently, almost brashly, and straight into his eyes, considering my next play. How should I resolve this, how can I change the dance? I weighed up my options and before I can come up with a plan (I really hadn’t thought this through), he is talking, in this stranger's voice, taking away my moment of rewriting history, just like that. 

And with every word he spoke, I realised with increasing reality that there was no saving this. There was no recovery available. No easy out. No release. No mature way out. This was not AT ALL what I was prepared for. 

I won't give it to you word for word, because despite it all, it's still kind of private, but what followed was fairly uncomfortable conversation that left me feeling not better but WORSE than if I had just tensely ignored him all night instead. (I'll give you a hint... it wasn’t at all what I was prepared for...)

Why the hell did I think that would have worked? Why did I think I could just pack neatly pack all of that away with one conversation? Because you can not just delete trauma from your life. Not that easily. Not when conversations don't go the way you planned. I suppose it was the wine that spoke for me, taking charge for once and landing me in some relatively unexpected waters. 

Don't get me wrong. He's not a horrible person. None of it was abuse. He offered to support. I didn't want that. In fact, I think it’s fair to say that it’s not really him that is the trauma... it's everything he reminds me of. I didn't want that choice. I didn't want that heaviness. I wanted to take it all back. 

So I looked up at him, understanding in that moment that he was again, not enough and not helping me at all. I understood I would remain unsatisfied and unresolved. I was reminded, ever so clearly, why he was not my choice. So instead, I returned to the side of the man I did choose, grateful for him and satisfied by him.

That night, my snowboard bag of personal baggage was well overweight. Filled with concrete, of my hardening soul and tears. Of the injustice and disappointment. Of my choices, always of my choices. Too heavy for me to carry. 

I was too tipsy. Too bold. Too confident.

Or maybe I was just enough of all of those to expose him, me and our shared bag of history we continue to drag around. For the eventual event that needed to occur to move forward. Perhaps it was progress? 

Maybe one day, there will be no thoughts on this. Or maybe those thoughts will be less powerful, less overwhelming, less painful, less confusing. Or maybe they won't. 

Because while ever Trauma keeps rocking up at things I go to, I'm stuck in groundhog day, reliving, reviewing and renewing it all, again. And again. And again. 

I can deal with it. I just don't want to. 

Note to reader: It may be news to you that Lucy was not my first pregnancy. Only now, literally 20 years later, do I feel empowered and supported by society to claim this story as mine, and decline the option to hide in a shame cupboard any longer. I will be sharing more about this in time, because I’m ready for my truth to be told. By me. Because it’s mine to tell.   Watch this space. 

Ciao for now, 

LG - Life's Good! 

P.S I know this post is self-indulgent and there is some work I need to do here to unload some of the imbalance around this trauma. I know in time, with work, I can take responsibility for my own healing.

P.P.S Hey Trauma, if you're reading this one day, I hope you know I take responsibility for my parts here too. I'm not just blaming it all on you. I know what I've done. I know the choices I made. I live with them everyday. I hope, one day, seeing you at things doesn't cause me stress. 

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

The hearts I broke when I gave up alcohol...

I had an inkling that alcohol consumption was a key part of my social interactions...but only when I ditched it did I realise how regularly my social life included wine...

It was the second week of camping and the third week of Christmas holidays, and I hadn't had an alcohol free day in more than 18 days. Well, okay, I might say nights. 18 nights. Mostly the drinking happened in the night. Does that sound a little better? Probably not. It's the longest endurance activity I've even completed on alcohol, and to be clear, I hadn't intended it. 

Yet here I was, smashing G&T's every night, beer, wine, shot buckets, anything I could get my hands on. But not in huge amounts, just ever so regularly. And it raised a question for me...if I'm not drinking enough to feel the effects of it, why bother? If I wasn't specifically aiming to get drunk, why have any at all? Such an Australian binge drinker's attitude, right?

Well, before you become too concerned, Greg will tell you drinking isn't a problem for us. And it's not. Not really. We are routine weekend drinkers, consuming one or two beverages each Friday and Saturday night. Unless we're up for a good time, which can be either planned or completed out of the blue, and on those occasions, we can hit it HARD! One night, (and this was rare) we cracked a bottle of red which led to 3 bottles of red... we felt it the next day! More often, we enjoy it in relative moderation and only on weekends.

So in some ways I completed and wholeheartedly agree with him. Drinking is not a problem for us. 

But actually it kind of is for me... because alcohol actually physically hurts me most of the time I consume it. I don't mean in a hippy, earth mother kind of way, like it hurts my heart to not be nourishing my temple. I mean in an aching joints, inflammation and stiffness kind of way. The morning after alcohol has begun, over the past 5 or so years, to magically transform me into an 80 year old; unfit, sore and stiff. And despite the quantity of beverages consumed, this is my new constant. I'm also likely to be physically weary as it feels like my body just has to work so much harder to function the next day. 

Yes, I suppose you could call it a hangover, but it's really not like it used to be. Hangovers used to be punishing an excellent night's partying with hard results... vomitting, headaches, etc. Now, I just feel an endless oldness that is really unpleasant. 

But it's not just that geriatric physicality that prompted me to change my partying ways. There are so many other things at play here. Big things. Like my butt. My actual butt. 

It is the fact that I have spent the past LIFETIME trying to lose the extra weight I lug around endlessly, and in spite of myself and my efforts, I have not put a real dent in that goal for the past 6 years, and some of that relates to alcohol. 

In times I have focused on my health and deleted alcohol from my lifestyle, I have experienced real success in my body behaving as it should and i remember feeling amazing at those times. Not just good. AMAZING! I felt on top of the world, full of energy and ready to face the world everyday. So it kind of makes sense, yes? 

To be honest, it is something I've considered for at least three years off and on, and just haven't been ready to call it. Because it's a big step. My family drinks. My friends drink. Not huge amounts all the time, but it's part of our ethos as a group. To break the bread and share the wine... it's sacred and special and I have felt that I will be missing out on so much if I made this choice. 

But it just got to that point where I was wondering if I was poisoning myself for the sake of fitting in. I was taking my old ladies meds regularly, so I can sip from a wine glass and enjoy the moment. There's just something so disjointed about all of that. 

So when my sister mentioned she might give the alcohol free life a go, it was all I needed, the push and encouragement I had been subconsciously waiting for before taking the plummet myself. So I just jumped. Without thought, consideration, or hesitation. In the blink of an eye I changed my lifestyle decisions like a boss...or a complete follower, depending on your view I suppose. (It wasn't really in the blink of an eye, I'd been considering it for years). 

I was so ready that I ditched it before I finished the 12 little advent calendar gins I got from my sister for Christmas! Those 4 little bottles that glint and chink together each time I open the fridge remind me of how prepared I've been for this for such a long time, and how I just needed that little push into the other land of 'Alcohol Free'. 

So I committed. And announced my new plan to my friends and family via the only way how i know how to get the message out loud and clear...Facebook. 

And when the comments rolled in hard and fast, many supportive, several grieving, and a couple absolutely devastated for our lost shared love of wine, i understood why I had hesitated for so long.

If anything, it confirmed for me that alcohol has been such a pivotal part of many of my social patterns, for such a long period of time, that I'm not concerned people don't know how to interact with me, without wine. There's nothing quite like sharing a bottle, or sitting on the deck enjoying a beer that really locks you into a deep conversation. 

So much so that I've endeavoured to fill that gap by supplement my wine with wine...AF wine I'll have you know. Not As Fuck (the other AF) wine (sorry Nana), but Alcohol Free wine. I've also purchased some AF beer, Gin and who knows what else I threw in my online trolley. There are so many options out there, I'm excited to try them. 

Because I won't have that awkwardness of them drinking wine and me holding nothing. I don't yearn for alcohol, and I'm not missing it too much at this point (it's been a whole 16 days now - lol) but I miss the sitting around sipping something. 

It's been a tough one to announce as well, as some of my friends feel as though they are now unable to enjoy drinking around me, and I hope they come to understand I'm not giving this up due to addiction, it's to feel better, and explore how life looks without it. Please, continue to drink with me, I'll just sip from another bottle. 

I'm even more excited to prove to my grieving friends that I come the same: awesome and bringing my 'A-game' every time. I don't need alcohol for that, and it's not alcohol that shows up when I do. It's me. My most authentic version. 

Dry your eyes and mark me - I will cast away any and all inhibitions that I may carry when sober to bring my absolute best to all situations I arrive at without alcohol. I will be bold, unafraid and confident as hell anyway. Because, that's just who I am anyway.

And lastly, I set you the challenge. To make your own decisions and be comfortable to drink with me, anyway. Because my decision doesn't need to impact on your choices or fun, and I certainly won't be judging anyone. So your job is to just show up too. 

"So I hope I learn to get over myself, stop trying to be somebody else..." Adele

Ciao for now, 

LG - Life's good! 

#idrinkwine #alcoholfreebaby #lifestylechanges #staywithme #Agame 

Monday, 24 January 2022

Premature Empty Nesting…

I’ve commenced empty nesting… and my children are only 8 and 10.


My mum collected the girls on Sunday to whisk them away for the school holiday fun at her house. Think blueberry picking, beach going, imagination exploring, democratic votes for activities and dinner options, and an entire zoo in her backyard. Alright, the zoo is make-believe, but to the girls, its as real as Grandma is, and she eggs them on without hesitation. Lord, sometimes she even calls them to provide updates on recent escapes, births and illness of the animals…that aren’t really is. It’s quite sweet, really. I didn’t have that relationship with any of my grandparents, and it’s so special the girls have such an indulgent, caring and fun-loving Grandma. Actually, she’s also lucky to have them to call upon for kiddie fun and doting opportunities.


It will be a total of 2 days until I see them again, and it’s been long enough already (30hrs at the time I write this) for me. Not because I need to always be present in their lives, and trust me, they don’t need me right now, they need time with Grandma in her house, living large in her special ways. It’s because my life feels weirdly empty without them interrupting my conversations, getting shirty at me for asking them to complete their chores, and my personal favourite when they become small human transformers, changing from a lanky frame to a pliable ball of cuddles in no time.


It’s not the first time that I’ve felt a sense of aimlessness rom my world since they came along. In fairness, it existed well before them. Before I was a mother, I was also ‘Looking For Something To Do Lauren’. Not quite locked into a hobby fulltime, and not quite sure where to send my energy and attention elsewhere.


It’s where I’m at today. In fact, this morning, after the most peaceful coffee I’ve had in the past 11 years, shared with my main man from our deck, taking in the view on a quite country morning, I looked across at him and thought “Jeez”! How the heck are we going to handle it when they just don’t bug us at all. How will we handle this peace and quiet if it is here all the time!?


Out of nowhere, but somewhere post caffeine, it occurred to me how tough that transition of parenting child into adulthood must be. That as parents we go from the endless backchat our kids offer, to the rude silence that sits on the other side once they are gone… with merely an occasional phone call (hopefully) to fill the gap.


As I wondered out loud whether we would be satisfied with the not frequent enough contact from them as young adults, the situation smacked me right in the face. Proper wet fish smacking, not gentle theatre fake slaps. My happiness cannot be so heavily harnessed to them. It can’t be. They will leave. They will up and go and live amazing lives in towns and countries afar if they so desire, and I want them to.


But at what cost? What happens when your purpose as a parent walks out the door? And all that time and effort you needed to apply, all that stamina you built up over the past 18+ years just exists with no direction for output?


I know what you’re all saying as you read this…parenting doesn’t stop when they leave. I know that. I’m talking about the mental load we carry on their behalf, the taxiing around, the organising, the feeding, the cuddles, the talks, and the everything else. 


It’s actually exhausting me just to think about it. 


But it’s the same old, right? Read my first ever blog. It’s the same story from a different angle. Endlessly reminding the mum in the picture you are more than your role as a mother, so what are you going to do with your life? What do you care about? What do you want? What will do you? Circle back 11 years after this blog started, to that age old lesson of needing to find myself. Sigh. God, it’s bloody exhausting. I’m right here… but where am I? Ugh.


I tell you what has changed in that time? Me! (Obvs). More than ever before, I bring my unapologetic, authentic self as often as I can. I know my worth. I don’t apologise for my presence and I use my time to learn and be increasingly kind, respectful and careful to check my privilege. I know when to speak, when to stop, when to take control and when to be the passenger. I know how to build people and support my loved ones and I am not ashamed to let them know when I’m lost. I know how to bake a bloody brilliant sourdough and how to cook from the heart to nourish those I care deeply for. I don’t know myself some days, but I embrace those days as learning opportunities and am often surprised with what I can do when I strip away my own restrictions. I dance like no one is watching, even when my whole family are. I laugh with my friends and even more at myself. I am, most of the time, a great person to have in your back pocket, and I will have your back fiercely. I like, perhaps even love, myself.


And there’s many more things I’d like to try, explore, focus on and achieve in life, so I suppose I should use this reflective state to start dreaming big. I’m going to pretend like there are no restrictions and no limits, no holds and nothing off limits. I’ll use this time to start planning my life – both for the current day and for ten years’ time when the girls start flying out of the nest and I’m looking for things to turn my attention to and spend energy on.


And if I’ve learnt anything over the past 11 year since I started this blog… when I set myself a challenge and name it out loud, I achieve it in big and bold ways. And my children sit up and notice. They see a mum who sets outrageous goals and challenges, and gives it her all. They see a mum who knows her strengths and plays to them, but also takes on the near impossible to prove it can be done. I hope one day, they remember all of these moments, and my failures, and know that more than anything, their mum shows up and goes hard and is brave, even when she’s afraid. 


Because even as I focus more on me right now, I’m still endlessly thinking of them.

Ciao for now, 

LG - Life’s good!