Thursday 23 February 2012

Everyone is a little OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

It just has to be THIS way!

I used to fancy myself completely flexible, interchangeable and certainly non-committal. I was the one who didn't need things to be done in any certain order, nor did I require specific processes or methods to be followed when completing tasks. I marvelled at those pedantic folk who had their own little reasons for needing things 'just so'. It was beyond me how anyone could possibly be that organised to do it the same way each time. I was incredulous to realise that others went one step more to be so observant that they would notice if someone did that task (whatever the task was) in the non-preferred method. And then I was absolutely baffled when they cared enough to point out that the other person could be doing it a little better by doing it their way.

Why so surprised? Because I can't be arsed! I couldn't care how Greg hangs the washing, I am simply grateful that he does. And I don't really care which way we go to get to a location, because as long as we get there, I couldn't give a rats! And I wouldn't bother to explain how I would prefer it, even if I did have a preference because its too hard to explain my logic. Basically, I'm a lazy doer, lazy observer and lazy conversationalist.

But those who care, man am I impressed by them! They really care about the stuff that just doesn't actually make a difference in the world. Does it really make a difference the order in which you get dressed everyday, as long as you end up in all your clothes? And does it really calm you down to know you have switched the light on, then off again, and then on again before sitting down? Now I know there are those out there who actually struggle with this as a real mental illness. Please forgive me for making light of your situation in such a blaze fashion...I am more aiming my commentary at those who are at the lower end of the scale, and I hope it by pondering this phenomenon I am not offending you.

Because I come across those who have their preferences, I am in awe of their attention to detail and their commitment to the cause, whatever it may be. And I have discovered some very funny little traits of my dear friends and family over the years. Some are as simple as pressing the car remote lock several times as they walk off just to ensure they have definitely locked their vehicle. Then there are the normal household ones, like how someone prefers their veggies to be cooked, which timer to use (microwave or stove) or what channel the TV should be left on before they go to bed so they don't have to change it in the morning. And then there are the very amusing making sure the lip of your disposable cup lid is directly opposite the seam of the paper cup...EVERY TIME! And completely nuding up to do number twos, EVERY TIME! You know who you are, and I want you to know this is my favourite OCD tendency of all.

They say everyone is on the OCD scale somewhere, we all have a little something we do.  But I didn't think I had anything - until this afternoon! I have finally discovered my thing! And it isn't anything big or complicated. It is as simple as making sure when I put the cutlery into the dishwasher basket, that each little section has a knife, fork and spoon in it, until I run out of cutlery. Because once, two spoons tucked together (they were spooning!) and the inside of their spooning cuddle didn't come out clean. So now, no spoon can be with another. And as a result the forks and knives much suffer in silence and solitude too! So there you have it - I do have something that has to be done just this way.

And I actually feel a little saddened that I too fit into the norm. I had hoped to be in the outside of the scale, that perhaps I was that one person who didn't have OCD in me at all. I mean, there is a lot to be said for finding the most efficient way to do something. But I just usually forget how I did it last time, so no process or particular activity prevails. But here I am on the boring end of the spectrum with my dishwasher particulars. I kind of wished I had a few more interesting little things. I'm sure I will discover more and more over time, and I'll keep you updated.

Let me know if you have any OCD traits - however embarrassing or boring they might be.

Ciao for now,
LG, Life's Good!


  1. Hmm... Toilet paper rolls must be positioned so the paper hangs over the top, not down the wall. Clothes hangers must have the curvy bit facing left (which is toward the right hand side of the clothes). Cutlery must be in the container with the same sort (no mixing here!). Books should be sorted on the shelf according to size. CDs should be sorted according to genres. I'd keep going, but I'm starting to scare myself ;)

  2. Oooooh, CDs in genre is a good one! I particularly like your coat hanger one...means that you must be organised enough to hang clothes! ;) If you think of any more you should let me know. I'm always happy when I hear new ones.

    At a BBQ on weekend, our friend made kebabs...every single one of those ingredients went on in exactly the same order each time - boy were they great and they certainly looked a treat! :)

  3. Oh yes, add organised kebabs to my list, too ;)
