Monday 13 February 2012

Shake Your Body!!!

So you want to get moving?!

Getting back to the original reason for creating this blog - to find a hobby. Now, it doesn't escape me that in creating a blog to find a hobby, a have found a hobby in blogging itself! Creative writing has never really been something I've thought to explore, but have always enjoyed stretching my legs with by writing emails to friends, being creative at work trying to convince bosses to approve all sorts of things, even writing references for colleagues. A friend at a former job called it my 'witchcraft'!

I'm quite taken by my blog. I have enjoyed jotting down whatever pops into my head on the day, without any forethought or planning, I just let my fingers do the talking. And I am so humbled and delighted that you are reading it! I would get satisfaction from just writing, but to know people are reading, well that brings me great joy! So thanks for reading along, I hope you keep up your daily read during the working week.

But I still wish to continue finding another hobby - one that gets me up and moving. The blog kind of has me house bound for an hour a day, an enjoyable hour none the less, but an hour just the same. I'd like something that encourages movement. So I recommence my search today by googling the meaning of hobby, and this is what Wikipedia tells me: A hobby is a regular activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure, typically done during ones leisure time.

Hmmmmm, must create some leisure time. I hear you laughing out there, husbands of stay at home wives! Leisure time hey!? What do you do all day if not enjoy your leisure time!? ;) I know, we are the lucky ones. However, between all Lucy requirements, play times and just general protection of the crawling baby, plus the occasional housework task here and there, and now my hour each weekday on my blog, I couldn't really name an assigned time that would be devoted as my own leisure time.

When I began reading this description of hobby (before I got to the leisure part) I thought perhaps I could classified Lucy as my hobby? Most days it is most pleasurable to be at her beckoned call, feeding, bathing, playing and supervising her. Or maybe housework? But then I counted the housework out....that would require 'regular' activity. I need some kind of chart or something to tell me where I am up to, and then some kind of energy drink to get me motivated to do it. So no, neither of those things could classify as hobbies. I enjoy reading in my leisure time, certainly not as often as I used to before Lucy came along, but still it's there. But it's not what I want in a hobby either.

So I have decided to be brave and jump into something I have wanted to do for quite some time...but have had all the excuses in the book to allow me to avoid it. I can't cause I'm pregnant. I can't because I can't leave Lucy at dinner time. I can't because because because because becaaaaaause! But too bad all you haters in my head, I'm doing it anyway!

It's ZUMBA!!! My sister in law is a certified Zumba instructor, now also doing aerobics and body sculpt classes. So I am going to give Zumba a go, once a week, for a month and see how I like it! OLE! That will certainly get me moving! Hopefully the rhythm in these bones still hears that beat, and does me proud. (I have listed her details below for any that are interested in attending her classes.)

So I wonder if my dance background (can you call it that if you did 3 years of Jazz Ballet when you where in primary school?) will help me pick it up quickly. I wonder if my face will be bright red within minutes. I wonder what to wear. I wonder if anyone I know will be there. I wonder how sore I will be the next day. I wonder if I will want to go back or have to drag myself back. Shut up negative thoughts! I'm doing this whether you like it or not, and I'm damn well going to love every second of my LEISURE TIME!  So there!

Let me know if you have given Zumba a go, and what your thoughts were on this dance fitness craze!!! I can't wait to tell you how I go!

KJ's Weekly Fitness Classes
Monday 5.45-6.30pm AEROBICS! 
Monday 6.30-7.15pm BODY SCULPT!
Tuesday 5.45-6.30pm ZUMBA!!! 
Letchworth Community Centre - enquiries 0416478507
Classes are $10 each but go to 2 or more classes in a week and pay just $15!

Ciao for now,
LG, Life's Good


  1. I have started doing Zumba in the comfort of my own lounge room - I am way too uncoordinated to do it in public and I fear exercising with a group of people I do not know - just ask the Whiz Kid :P (Jen)

  2. Wear stretchy pants! And a very supportive sports bra. You will go red. You will sweat a lot. You may initially want to throw up (I sure felt like it!). And then you will love it and be addicted!!

  3. Ive done Zumba a couple of times and i love it - not very coordinated and red and sweat-dripping in about 3 mins, but if all exercise was this much fun I would probably do more! I second the support bra - strap the girls down - seriously or you could do yourself an injury.

    Go, enjoy....

  4. Thanks everyone! Sounds like it will be a tough but fun activity! Hope I love it too!!! ;)
