Wednesday 18 January 2012

What's the point?

The catalist for change

So, we were holidaying at the coast to welcome in the new year and my good friend said to me abruptly "Lauren, you need to do something. What are you doing with your life? You need to find something you are interested in and do that. Why are you in a job your aren't happy in? Fix it."

How's about shut up?!

Well, that was my initial reaction... bloody judge my life! But what I have learnt over the many years I have now known Wendy; she speaks the truth even though it often comes like a punch in the throat. Her comments got me thinking and she was right, as always.

For a long time now, I have made my life about my husband and through no fault of his. In fact, thinking about it now perhaps I could even lay the blame of my lack of Lauren-ness at Wendy's feet - it was she who leant me the book 'His needs, Her needs' in the early days of my relationship with now darling husband. Desperately wanting to meet my mans 'need for a companion' that I participated in watching all his activities with such enthusiasm that I actually morphed into a groupy of sorts. A groupy who's hobby is being a follower in someone elses life. The old identity crisis some might say, although perhaps it has come a little earlier than expected? Certainly, you couldn't call it 'midlife' when I am a spring chicken of only 28!

Why the Blog? What's the point of it?

So, I have started this blog so I can jot down my thoughts as I figure out how to redefine myself as my own person, and not only as Greg's wife or Lucy's mum (which are both cherished and wonderful positions to be), or a bored public servant who wants more out of life but doesn't know where to start.

I hope my journey brings many revelations and exciting challenges, and if you'd like to read along I'd love to share with you. Here's a pic of me enjoying the many benefits of Greg's wakeboarding hobby, and loving our family time on the boat. 

Oh, and I wouldn't mind hearing from you if you have any suggestions for me re finding my inner Lauren again. Please note, have already ruled out doing a show. I just cannot invest that time atm.

Ciao for now, LG Life's Good




  1. At first when I read this, I was like 'if it's not broken, don't fix it'. Then I thought, no, maybe you're right :-)

    If you want to try and work through anything from the past to help you move forward and define Lauren Michelle (still half Booth) in the future, I'm happy to.
    Love you xx

  2. Thanks sissy! Glad you have read my blogs, thanks for posting such positive supportive comments on them. I'm definitely embarking on this journey because I see something missing, Wendy was simply pointing out what she saw too. Love you too! xoxoxox
