Tuesday 31 January 2012

Why The Belly Laugh?

What's worth waiting for?

You know that person in your life that pretends to hear you, but obviously didn't when they answer 'haha, yeah...' to the question 'what time have you got that appointment tomorrow'? That is me. I was reflecting of this the other day to one of my best friends and she laughed along with me - admitting that she too had noticed this tendency. Oops! I find I am surrounded by people at work and sometimes at home who make the assumptions that I know alot more than I actually do. Whether it be about global issues, current affairs, policy changes, or tennis rules I often feel that I am in over my head. So when people make some intelligent comment like 'oh yes, I was very amused to see that they had changed the policy on blah' with a laugh all over their face, instead of asking them why that would be amusing, I most commonly will reply with 'haha, yeah...'.

Sometimes because I am pretending to be amused by something I actually don't understand, and other times because it is only funny and not hilarious, I laugh with my moderate laugh. It's a reasonable laugh - but certainly not anything special. Then there is the laughing that has me wheezing in tears (and then embarrassment) because it is simply too funny. This joke always gets me crying with laughter:
Two cows are in a paddock. First cow says to the other 'Hey mate, I am really worried about this mad cow disease, are you?' The startled second cow replies 'Why would I care?? I'm a helicopter!'
I just can't get past the fact that the cow thinks he is a helicopter!!! A helicopter! Not a horse, or even a person. A helicopter. LOL! Priceless!

Anyway, I'm off the point. Look, even this laugh isn't the belly laugh, it's more of a hysterical giggle. But the belly laugh, man that is what I look forward to. It's unexpected. It's often from shock. And it is so satisfying when it happens that I am just waiting for the next time. I love it!

The other day when my best friends baby abruptly did something absolutely hilarious and I belted out a good belly laugh, loud and clear, with complete abandon. And I realised how rarely we laugh with such an uncontrollable force that it simply cannot be contained.

Hence I called the blog waiting for the belly laugh. For me, finding Lauren is finding more belly laughs. Less limits, more complete abandon. More understanding of things I don't complete get. And for goodness sake, learning to simply say, I'm sorry - I don't get it. Can you please explain it to me?

(with one of my besties, Ali)

A helicopter!!! 

Ciao for now, 
LG, Life's Good!


  1. My belly laugh joke: Two eggs are boiling in a pot. One egg says to the other one "Man it's really hot in here" The other egg says - "This is nothing; when you get out of here, they crack your head open with a spoon" Gets me every time!
    Annie xxx
    PS Mel has the best belly laugh I have ever heard!!

  2. LOL! Two Dislexics walk into a bra......

  3. Two cows were standin in a paddock. One turns to the other and says "hey! How you doin'?" The other runs off screaming "Aaaaahhh! A talking cow!!!!!!!"
