Monday 30 January 2012

The Subconscious Slap

And when I click my fingers you will..........

I used to believe that hypnosis was of the DEVIL! Actually, during my more fundamental days, I used to think many things were of the devil......Santa Clause - also known in some circles to be Satan Clause via a nifty little anagram, sleeping with anyone who wasn't your lifelong partner (and really, if they were that serious about you surely you should be married?), and certainly homosexuality (I actually believed people chose to be gay, and by doing so were choosing to sin knowingly everyday). OKAY WAIT - DON'T HANG UP! I promise you I have grown up, matured and now believe the complete opposites in these three cases. I genuinely can't believe that loving another person (regardless of who they are) is a sin, and I know it was naive to consider it a personal choice when in my adjusted opinion, it is the beautiful, perfect person you were always suppose to be. The no sex before marriage was soon forgotten, and my judgement of others along with it. As for Santa, well that was simply ridiculous. I wonder if you have always been as wise as you are today, or perhaps if you too had embarrassing ideals and past fundamentalism you'd like to admit to? Comment away.

So when I learnt that several people very dear to my heart had seen a hypnotist for lifestyle reasons, namely to give up smoking, I was interested to hear more about it. Apparently, it isn't a magical answer to all of life's problems, but it does suggest more desirable ideals and values and habits to your subconscious mind that enables your conscious mind to make the choices you want.

An overweight person is overweight in most circumstances due to their lifestyle....poor food choices and lack of exercise. They continually try and most often fail at losing weight, only getting bigger as the years go on. Why, when they try so hard? Because in most case, they don't actually believe they will ever achieve their dreams, their subconscious is constantly reminding them of previous behaviours which have led to the current situation.

For example: Driving past Maccas, suddenly you are thinking of a Cheeseburger! Yummo (or gross, depending of your outlook). Why think this when you aren't even hungry? Because you have done this many times before. How to change behaviour? Simply say no. I don't want that for my life anymore. Consciously, you are telling yourself no. Subconsciously, you are saying to yourself 'whatever dickhead! I know you think you are saying no, but once we get home you are going to eat everything in the pantry, so we might as well just swing in to get a snack and save the food at home for later. You're a fatty, just admit it, eat your snack and lets get on with our day.' So with all your might not to, you still swing into the drivethru and instead of ordering a single cheeseburger, you go the full hog, because subconsciously, you have given yourself an uppercut. 'Stop trying to be someone you aren't! Hurry up and order everything in the shop!' I know the struggle well.

So when I learnt that breaking that cycle via hypnosis would make my conscious decisions easier to stick with, I jumped onto it immediately! I genuinely want to be fit and healthy. There is no part of me that actually wants to be overweight, sloth like and slow. Subconsciously, I just can't actually remember a time that I wasn't.

It has been an interesting journey. I still have to do all the hard work. I still have to make the right choices for my healthier body. I still have to choose to make time each day to be active and connect with my body. Oh, I have all the excuses in the world, after all I'm a mother. I've the housework, the baby, the blog, the cooking, and the mundane admin tasks that go along with running a household. Don't forget that it is important to socialise the child, so I simply must attend coffee dates, brunches, lunches, and mothers groups. But I actually want to get out, leave the house, enjoy the fresh air, and jog past the old sleaze in the park (dirty old man!). So I do.

So, check your preconceived ideas...what are they based on and are they an accurate assessment? Is it co-sleeping with your child after swearing beforehand that you wouldn't? Maybe its challenging beliefs you were given by someone else, that you assumed were correct out of trust? Maybe its speaking up for yourself, realising that the worst thing that happens isn't nearly as bad as you had imagined. I wonder how many other things that I previously thought were 'evil', that may possibly help me along my journey if I drop the blinkers and take a closer look?

Find joy in living your life however you want to - don't let old habits and preconceived ideas get in your way.

Ciao for now,
LG, Life's Good!

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