Monday 27 February 2012

Makeover Me!

First impressions last....

I always try to judge people on their inner qualities rather than their outer image, although I do like to appreciate the beautiful things in life. I like to think that you can be a beautiful person without necessarily being physically attractive. And I also know from experience that a person can look elegant and refined, but the moment they open their big mouth, their ugliness takes overs and it becomes obvious that they are a complete mole! I try and get to know people and appreciate their character and opinions, their attitudes and beliefs.

But lets be honest...first impressions are mostly based on what you see. When you meet someone for the first time, you will very quickly decide if you would like to continue the conversation, or if you signal to your Wing Man/Wing Girl to come and rescue you. You know at a party, there is that one person who seems to attract attention for all the right reasons. And there is also that one person you spend the night avoiding, whether it be subconsciously or not. 

And I feel that what men do to make a first impression is completely different to what women do. Oh, and don't get me wrong...I'm not talking about picking up here. I'm talking about meeting friend's partners, meeting new friends, work colleagues etc. Now I like the men in my life to make me laugh, because I walk away from meeting them thinking, aren't they funny? And I love to laugh. If they can get a belly laugh out of me, we will be friends forever. And I also like them to be of the non-sleazy variety: I don't mind flirting, but I'd like it to be respectful of my husband who is standing just over there. And of course I love a man who tells me I'm looking lovely when I am (thank you Steve, Jase and Gaz), but who doesn't throw it out there when I'm not just as part of conversation. A man who asks questions and tries to get to know you always wins in my book, and those who I share any interest with will continue to rise in appreciation with each newly discovered likeness. I steer clear of tossers, sleazes, and sweaty men.

But girls are completely different. I am attracted to girls (for friendship purposes) who wear colours to bring out their natural beauty. I like girls who look like they are having fun with lots of laughs and a mischieveous twinkle in their eyes! I like girls who care about building relationships and being honest with each other. I like girls that are approachable and fun to be around. I admire girls who take extra care to dress appropriately for the event, whatever it may be, and I prefer those who have natural looking makeup to those who cake it on. I tend to steer clear of those girls who sneer at others, who appear to be bitching with their friends about others in the room, and who generally look like trash.

But all of this within a split second of meeting a person. Because that first impression will last a long time. We all know that the good looking people in the world actually have more opportunities in life...proven fact. So if you are an unattractive person reading this blog, my apologies go to you and your family for the tough times ahead.

But don't they say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover? Well, chances are you will anyway to some extent. Because you just can't get to know everyone deeply and intimately before you choose whether you'd like them around or not.

I take too little time on my appearance. A daily routine? Whats that! Although I see what I like in other girls, I very rarely meet that match myself. I hate shopping...overweight girls my age get the awesome pleasure of dressing like your mum because there is hardly anything out there for my size. And most of the clothes are made in such a way that they actually make me look bigger by hiding my waistline and making me more frumpy. So I don't shop. And as a result my clothes are daggy, old and re-used all the time. And I hardly take any time for myself, so even though I have lovely coloured and cut hair...most days it goes up in a ponytail because it is so unruly that it requires blow drying and straightening to be worn down. And because it is so thick, that takes 45mins. Who has that kind of time. If you are lucky, I might have some mascara on.

What I would prefer of myself is a well dressed Lauren. Who wears her hair down more often than not, who takes a moment to pop a little something on her face to accentuate her beautiful features (eyes, cheekbones, lips) so they stand out. I'd like to be able to walk into a room confidently knowing I look great, rather than looking around the room wishing I had taken some time to freshen up my look instead of sleeping that extra 30 mins.

I want to take pride in my appearances. To be a person who cares enough to treat myself right. So many mums around the world say things like, I come last etc. But I'd like Lucy to grow up with a mum who shows her that is important to look after yourself. To spend time making yourself presentable to the world. That you should have a pleasurable image as well as nature. And she will learn that in the real world, she will be making first impressions which are a culmination of her image, personality, temperament and character.

I'm dreaming of a stylist, a makeup tutor, some money, and of shops that sell outfits that compliment my curves rather than try to hide them. Because while I am getting fitter all the time and making efforts to lead a healthier lifestyle...I'm not there yet. And I want to stop that rolling ball of disgrace each day that starts with 'well, I have nothing to wear so there is no point making any effort with the rest of me'.

So I am going to start a self makeover. Buy some clothes that are nice (surely there must be some out there!) and treat them lovingly. Wash my makeup off each night (if I have bothered to put any on that day!). Wear my hair out instead of up. And generally improve my outside image to better match my inner beauty.

UH OH! Panda eyes, PJ's and Product in hair from yesterday! 
Looks like somebody needs a little TLC! 

Because I'm worth it. (Hair shake)

Ciao for now,
LG, Life's Good!


  1. Can we go shopping together. Since my weight gain I don't have the courage to go shopping and I really need to find some things that accentuate instead of hide away. Love you, Ali

  2. Sure we can...just not sure where to start. Checking out online stuff atm. Will let you know and we can make a date. :) Love you!

  3. Own your beauty Miss Ali, at whatever weight you are at. :)
