Wednesday 29 February 2012

Work Schmirk!

Who wants to work for a living?

If you had asked me while I was still in high school where I would be in 10 years, I doubt I would have said working as a Public Servant. Yes, I would have hoped to be married and with children, perhaps settled in a house too. Tick, tick, tick. But what did I want to do as a vocation? Had I high hopes for my career? I think I had high hopes to win lotto and never have to work!

Originally, I was dreaming of the performing arts. I thought perhaps I would start with some modelling to get my face on the side of a bus, then perhaps move to a little Home and Away, and after that some Playschool. And then with my screen experience until my belt, I'd continue on to the stage - performing leading roles in Sydney and beating Marina Prior and Lisa McCune at the bit for the best shows in town. I had even told some buddies at school that when I made it to the Logies (of which of course I'd be nominated for a Silver), I would take them as my dates.

So what happened? How did this girl of lights and glamour end up 40kgs overweight, still living in my hometown, and in a job for money rather than love? What happened to the ambition, the self belief, the dreams of fame and fortune? I'll tell you what happened...opportunity walked up and tapped me on the shoulder, with the temptations of security and stability. And my life has been this way ever since!

During senior high school years, I worked as a nanny for a childcare company. I worked for the same family for 2 years, every day after school I'd drive to their school and pick them up, take them home, play, do homework, and get ready for dinner so that their parents could spend quality time with them upon their arrival home around 6pm. I became part of their family, and I loved them. But when I finished school, I needed a little more work than just the afternoons, so working with the same company, I took last minute work. Someone would call me the day before with the details of my job the next day.

It was working well for me until one day I had a strange case. I turned up at the house to look after 1yr old twins whilst the mother worked from home and would assist me when required. Upon my arrival I saw the mother was quite the hippy. As the day progressed, I grew to like the babies, and the mother wasn't around too much so it was okay...she really was a bit of an odd ball. Just before I was due to finish up, I was asked to help her bathe the bubs. No problems! She said she'd go in and get the bath ready, and could I please get the first baby ready and bring him in. Okay, that's cool. Away she goes, and off I go in different directions to get the baby out of his clothes and nappy, ready for his bath time. I walk the little man into the bathroom only to find her IN THE BATH NUDE, and she cares not that I am a stranger, her employee for the day, a girl, or anything else. Perhaps I had her pegged wrong...maybe not hippy, but more exhibitionist? Lesbian? Nudist?! Certainly no prude.

Well, this was awkward. What made it worse was that she asked me to test the water with my elbow to double check the temperature. WHILE SHE WAS IN THE BATH! Honestly, it was the strangest job I have ever had! I tell this story all the time because her house is on a street we often drive along. Poor Greg. 'Oh Greg, you know who lives in that house!?' 'The Naked Lady?' 'Oh. Yes.'

Anyway, I'm off track. It is slightly relevant because I was working this nanny job at the time my sister called me with an excellent opportunity. She had been at a BBQ with a friend who was in charge of setting up a project, and they required 100 staff by Monday! And they would pay me triple what I was getting now (to look at naked hippys). And it could lead to more permanent roles in the public service.....and so began my career.

I have enjoyed a lot of my career, and have certainly been satisfied as I won new positions and moved up the pay scale, but it isn't what I had in mind when I was younger. But you know what? It enables me to have the life I want after hours. I work to live, not live to work. I work during business hours so that I can enjoy my life more at home, having the lifestyle that I love (which includes a lot of holidays!). And it works well. I have built up some qualifications in my area of expertise and I am respected amongst my peers. I have developed wonderful friendships along the way and many wonderful things have come from my working in the public service.

But this satisfaction was all before I realised there was an even greater job out there. One that would bring me so much reward, one that I was desperate to achieve great things in, one that would change my outlook on life and leave me looking forward to the next day so much I could burst with excitement! I'm talking about Lucy. The most wonderful baby in the world! Although, at the moment, I don't have to wait all night to see what the next day will bring, she insists on seeing me every 2 hours just to say hi! Those of you who are parents will understand what I say when I am talking about such a new sense of purpose in life. And those of you who aren't yet parents but wish to be, you can certainly try your hardest to imagine and prepare yourself for such wonder, but before I met Lucy I can tell you I just couldn't comprehend it the way I do now. And being a primary carer can be a tough job but I find it mostly just a delight. I am the happiest I have even been, and I think I might be working harder than I ever have...there is no down time!

But in April (or maybe as soon as mid/late March) I am due back at work and will begin a new phase of trying to focus on something during the day so I can get it done, do my hours and get home to be with Lucy again! I will transition back into work doing part time hours initially, but moving to full time soon enough. I will miss my little one so much, she is my new best friend! We do everything together, and aren't used to being apart. And I think we have reached that point in life when I have almost become more reliant upon her than she is on me. So while she is off having an awesome time at daycare, meeting new little buddies and learning all sorts of things, I will be at my desk trying to imagine what she is up to. Trying to focus on something that I am getting paid to do.

I'm not looking forward to it, but will try my best to be positive. After all, once I am back to work full time again, I will qualify for my next Mat Leave. Wink Wink.

Ciao for Now,
LG, Life's Good!

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